# For advanced users: # You can put some quick verification tests here, any method # that starts with the `test_` will be run when you save this file. # Here is an example test and game # To run the test: ./dragonruby mygame --eval app/tests.rb --no-tick class MySuperHappyFunGame attr_gtk def tick outputs.solids << [100, 100, 300, 300] end end def test_universe args, assert game = MySuperHappyFunGame.new game.args = args game.tick assert.true! args.outputs.solids.length == 1, "failure: a solid was not added after tick" assert.false! 1 == 2, "failure: some how, 1 equals 2, the world is ending" puts "test_universe completed successfully" end puts "running tests" $gtk.reset 100 $gtk.log_level = :off $gtk.tests.start