[project] # The name of your game's executable. This should only contain a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _ or -. name = "${REPO_NAME_SNAKE}" # The game's title. This will show up in the tile bar of your executable. title = "${REPO_NAME_TITLE}" version = "0.1.0" authors = ["TODO: ${REPO_OWNER} "] icon = "metadata/icon.png" compile_ruby = false [dragonruby] version = "2.26" edition = "pro" [dependencies] [itch] # The Project URL you set when you created the game on Itch.io. https://my-username.itch.io/my-game. # This will also be the name of your build files, so fill it out even if you aren't uploading to Itch.io. url = "todo-change-me" # Your username on Itch.io. username = "todo-change-me"